Statements and Legal Notices




We support the right of all peaceable people to keep and bear arms. Your age, race, sex, religion, political party, or ethnicity are of no concern to us. Anyone who requires you to disarm is not your friend, and not our friend. Only when all peaceable citizens can freely exercise their inalienable right to self defense, and their right to keep and bear arms, will we attain the ultimate safeguard for our mutual protection, as individuals, as members of a community, and as citizens of the Republic. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness extends to all human beings, and all who support the right to keep and bear arms are welcome here... period.


Fair Use Notice:

All graphical contents on this website are, to the best of our knowledge, in the public domain except for those images specifically bearing or depicting the Mohawk Valley Company of Rangers logo, ensign, unit insignia, unit members and other designs developed for the exclusive use of the Mohawk Valley Company of Rangers and its members, unless otherwise noted. Images used on any page of this site are used within the context of the "fair use" clause (Title 17, USC sections 501 & 506). Use of any image is not, and should not, be construed as an infringement upon any rights, privileges, benefits or immunities. With explicit reservation of all our rights per UCC 1-308. For questions regarding copyright permission of protected images on this website, contact the MVCR Webmaster .

Our Officially "P.C." Disclaimer:

This site, its content, including comments, text, and all linked documents, are for informational purposes only. Any use of this site and related content for other than informational purposes is not the responsibility of the Internet Provider, the Webmaster, the members, or leadership of the Mohawk Valley Company of Rangers. Neither this website nor any of its content shall in any manner whatsoever be construed as a solicitation to violate any law of any jurisdiction, nor as a solicitation to make an offer to violate any law of any jurisdiction, nor as a solicitation to breach any contract, nor as a solicitation to make an offer to breach of contract. It is not the intent of this website and/or its content, to participate in any unlawful act, nor in any manner whatsoever be construed as inciting, soliciting or encouraging an unlawful act of any kind whatsoever, nor be construed as a party to any conspiracy to conduct an unlawful act of any kind whatsoever.



Links featured on this website may not necessarily constitute an endorsement of Mohawk Valley Company of Rangers by listed websites/organizations, nor does the Mohawk Valley Company of Rangers necessarily endorse or affiliate with any site or link featured herein.


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